Dental Clinic in Berlin Marzahn


Dr. Alexander Joselowitsch & Kollegen

  • Implants: As good as the original, sometimes even better
  • Fear of the dentist / dental phobia: With us you can safely overcome your fear of the dentist
  • Treatment of gum disease
  • Treatments for bad breath: So that you can be close to your surroundings again
  • Aesthetic dentistry.
  • Individual prophylaxis: We help you before you need help


Montag: 8:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00
Dienstag: 8:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00
Mittwoch: 8:00-13:00
Donnerstag: 8:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00
Freitag: 8:00-13:00
Samstag: Geschlossen
Sonntag: Geschlossen


Blumberger Damm 172
12679 Berlin


52.5484512, 13.5731897

Online-Termin Buchen
Persönliche Angaben
Dentist in Berlin Marzahn

Reopening of our dental practice in Marzahn

Patients from Berlin-Marzahn are welcome to visit our reopened dental practice in Berlin-Marzahn. In addition to classic dental treatments, we specialize in the treatment of anxious patients and implantology. Dr. Dr. Alexander Joselowitsch and his team look forward to your visit. You are welcome to book an appointment in our dental practice in Marzahn directly online.

Dentist Dr. Dr. Alexander Joselowitsch and his team

Dr. Dr. Alexander Joselowitsch took over the dental practice of his colleagues Dr. Gudrun and Axel Dunger in Marzahn on January 1, 2018. He was born in Riga/Latvia, but attended school, graduated from high school and then studied dentistry in Berlin. After receiving his doctorate in 1987, Dr. Dr. Alexander Joselowitsch has been there for his patients as a dentist with his own practice since 1990.

The practice offers the entire spectrum of dentistry. In addition to pain treatment, this also includes aesthetic dentistry, the treatment of gum disease, children's treatments and prophylaxis. Through many years of experience, however, the two main areas of activity have emerged:

  • Implantology and the
  • Treatment of anxious patients
  • Crystallized 

Dental practice for anxious patients in Berlin-Marzahn

Many people not only feel a slight discomfort, but downright fear and panic before visiting the dentist. They suffer from dental phobia, which includes symptoms such as panic attacks, sweating, sleep disorders and nausea, which occur just at the thought of visiting the dentist. Our dental practice in Marzahn specializes in treating anxious patients. We offer solutions for patients who keep putting off visiting the dentist even though they need treatment.

In extreme cases of dental phobia, we perform this under general anesthesia, but also offer many valuable alternatives. Our dentist takes time for you, offers various relaxation techniques as well as deep sleep and hypnosis. In the end, our patients should lose their fear of going to the dentist and be able to come to us without fear in the future. We thank you for your trust.

Dental practice for implantology and dentures

Missing teeth are often not only an aesthetic problem, but also affect food intake. In our dental practice in Marzahn, we have found that dental implants are the best medical solution. Implants are in no way inferior to real teeth. They are visually indistinguishable from them and have the same functionality.

With our "dentures at no cost" program, dentures are even possible without additional payment. We would be happy to advise you on the various options, such as the hardship regulation as an option for the health insurance company to contribute significantly to the costs.

Book an appointment online now at our dental practice in Berlin-Marzahn - we look forward to your visit.

Zahnärzte und Mitarbeiter
Dr. Volodymyr Derkach

Dr. Volodymyr Derkach


030 931 70 62
Dr. Derkach besticht nicht nur durch seine fachlichen Qualifikationen. Er ist außerdem ein so umgänglicher und empathischer Mensch, dass die Patienten einfach gerne zu ihm kommen. Ein junger Patient fragte ihn einmal nach seinem „Geheimrezept“ für seine gute Laune. Dr. Derkachs Antwort: „Ich mag einfach Menschen."
Stefanie Ilhan

Stefanie Ilhan

Assistenz, Patientenbetreuung

030 931 70 62
Sie ist Ansprechpartnerin, strahlt Gelassenheit und Einfühlsamkeit aus und kann sich auf unterschiedliche Persönlichkeiten mit eindrucksvoller Selbstverständlichkeit einstellen. Wie sie es schafft, neben dieser anspruchsvollen Aufgabe auch noch die Assistenz zu übernehmen, grenzt an ein Phänomen.
Nükhet Ünal

Nükhet Ünal


030 931 70 62
Mit Nükhet wird unser Team komplettiert. Sie geht so sehr in ihren Aufgaben auf, dass wir sie zeitweise fast ein bisschen bremsen müssen. Doch der Wissensdurst von Nükhet ist geradezu grenzenlos, und wir freuen uns, sie bei uns im Team zu wissen.
Lada Podlesnaya

Lada Podlesnaya

Assistenz, Patientenbetreuung

030 931 70 62
Lada Podlesnaya kommt erst richtig in Fahrt, wo andere kapitulieren. Sie ist unser Multitasking-Talent und kümmert sich voller Hingabe um Prophylaxe, Assistenzaufgaben. Dabei bleibt sie so ruhig, dass auch noch genügend Energie zur Beruhigung unserer Patienten bleibt.


Portal für Dentalphobie Dr. med. dent. Alexander Joselowitsch Dr. med. dent. Alexander Joselowitsch Bülowstr. 23, 10783 Berlin ✆ 030/2613308
4,8 von 5 Sternen
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